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Friday, 12 April 2013

The Listers at High Cliff

The picture on the left shows High Cliff house in Lyme Regis, together with several eminent members of the Lister family who used High Cliff as their holiday home. The most famous of these was Baron Lister of Lyme Regis, the great pioneer of antiseptic surgery, but several other members of the family achieved prominence in their chosen fields.

Richard Bull, a member of the Museum's research team, has now produced an in-depth paper about the Listers at High Cliff. This is almost 50 pages long and packed with illustrations (the screenshot shown here is taken from the first page of Richard's paper), and it is freely available for anyone who is interested. It is the second of Richard's studies of "People of Lyme" – the first was on the Reverend Richard Pennell (1776 – 1857). Both papers can be downloaded, in PDF format, from the People and Places page of the main Museum website.

Friday, 5 April 2013

A Local Author at the Museum

STOP PRESS.... Here is another event in April that didn't make it into the previous post! Local author Nigel Clarke will be launching his new book Adolf's British Holiday Snaps in the Museum at 6.30 pm on Saturday 20th April, followed by a talk in the Guildhall next door at 7 pm. Tickets, which include a glass of wine, are available at £5 from the Museum either in advance or on the day.

During World War 2, the German Air Force created a unique archive of reconnaissance photographs of Britain – the first aerial survey of the United Kingdom. At the end of the war, what remained of this extensive archive was sorted and interpreted in the UK before being sent to the United States. The photos remained classified until the 1970s when satellite imagery replaced them! Nigel Clarke's new book collects many of "Adolf's British holiday snaps", particularly from the South West of the country, showing it as it was before post-war industrialisation – with few large towns, no motorways, no shopping centres and only one international airport.

Nigel has kindly agreed that all proceeds from the book launch and talk will go to Lyme Regis Museum. Director David Tucker said “we are very grateful to Nigel for his generosity and we are very pleased to be selected as the venue for the launch of this impressive book”.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Museum events in April


Beach Treasure by Lynda White – beach-combed china and Lyme Bay paintings. An Artsfest re:collection project in progress, on display in the Rotunda at Lyme Regis Museum from 30 March to 19 May 2013.


WEDNESDAY 3 APRIL 11am to 3pm
Family Fun Day with local artist Alison Bowskill – Come along for Spring themed craft activities!

THURSDAY 11 APRIL 2.30pm Woodmead Hall
Museums and the Arts – A talk by Mary Godwin, former Director of Lyme Regis Museum. Organised by The Friends of Lyme Regis Museum. The AGM precedes the talk.

TUESDAY 23rd April 2.30pm at Woodmead Hall
Belmont - History and Future Plans – A talk by Caroline Stanford of the Landmark Trust. Jointly with The Lyme Regis Society (the talk will be preceded by the Society’s AGM which will start at 2.30pm).


To book on any of the walks listed below, please contact or phone 01297 443370. Further details of specific walks can be found on the What's On page of the main website.

Lyme History Walks

  • Monday 1 April 11am
  • Saturday 6 April 11am
  • Monday 8 April 11am
  • Saturday 13 April 11am
  • Monday 15 April 11am
  • Saturday 20 April 11am
  • Monday 22 April 11am
  • Saturday 27 April 11am
  • Monday 29 April 11am

Mary Anning Walks

  • Saturday 6th April 1.30pm
  • Saturday 13th April 1.30pm
  • Saturday 20th April 1.30pm
  • Saturday 27th April 1.30pm

Rockpooling Walks

  • Monday 1st April 3.00pm
  • Tuesday 2nd April 3.30pm
  • Sunday 7th April 9.30am
  • Tuesday 16th April 2.45pm
  • Tuesday 30th April 2.45pm

Fossil Walks

  • Monday 8th April 9am
  • Tuesday 9th April 9.45am
  • Wednesday 10th April 10.30am
  • Thursday 11th April 11.15am
  • Friday 12th April 11.45am
  • Saturday 13th April 12.15pm
  • Sunday 14th April 12.30pm
  • Monday 15th April 1pm
  • Tuesday 23rd April 9am
  • Wednesday 24th April 9.15am
  • Thursday 25th April 10am
  • Friday 26th April 10.45am
  • Saturday 27th April 11.30am
  • Sunday 28th April 12.15pm
  • Monday 29th April 1pm

New in the Museum

The Lyme Bay Ichthyosaur!